Según la Encuesta Nacional de Comorbilidad de México de 2002, menos de uno de cada cinco encuestados con algún trastorno psiquiátrico durante los últimos 12 meses utilizó algún servicio durante el año anterior. Las tasas de uso de servicios por parte de quienes padecen trastornos del estado de ánimo fueron ligeramente superiores. Aproximadamente uno de…
Read MoreA Dream comes true
by Fr. Rafael Garcia, S.J. When I met Str. Armida and Str. Maru at the Casa de los Pobres in 1985, when I was a Jesuit novice, they shared with me the dream that they had: a city of mercy, where impoverished persons with various chronic illnesses could be cared for. It was a wonderful…
Read MoreHospital San Ignacio de Salud Mental
Por, Dr. Jose Manuel Jáuregui G., Medico Psiquiatra, Ex-Director del Hospital “San Ignacio de Loyola”. Julio del 2020 Desde hace un poco mas de un año no habido un solo día en que alguien no me haya hablado para solicitar instrucciones de cómo llevar a su paciente a internar a la Unidad Hospitalaria de Salud…
Read MoreLa importancia de la Familia
El papel de la familia es vital. Los trastornos mentales de un paciente surgen de sus relaciones con su familia y comunidad. En la medida en que una familia se apropie del problema, participe en el tratamiento y ayude a solucionarlo, es mucho mas fácil para el paciente tener mayores posibilidades de recuperarse. Por lo…
22 de Julio DIA MUNDIAL DEL CEREBRO Cada 22 de Julio se celebra el Dia Mundial del Cerebro, una fecha para promover los cuidados preventivos y generar conciencia sobre las enfermedades silenciosas que pueden desgastarlo Para un mejor bienestar cerebral, el Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva (INECO) recomienda: Mantenerse estimulado cognitivamente: Tratar de hacer cosas que…
Read MoreLet’s Re-open the Hospital!
In 1985 when I first celebrated Mass in “La Ocho”, the infamous Municipal Jail in Tijuana, I met inmates, both men and women, living on the top tier of this dilapidated jail who were profoundly mentally ill. Sister Maru explained that theses were people who were in desperate need of mental health treatment; and, sadly…
Read MoreGreat News
The fund to re-open the St. Ignacio Mental Hospital has received special boost from a long-term supporter who announced they would match all donations up to a total amount to $25,000 ! The anonymous gift was made in the memory of Dr. Anita Figueredo, who played an integral part as a collaborator in the initial…
Read MoreSymbols
We wish to share with you the meaning of the symbols for the Donor Wall. We as Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady of Peace, chose the symbols of the Canticle of the Creatures of St. Francis of Assisi. “Praised be you, my Lord, with all Your creatures, especially “Sir Brother Sun” Praised be you, my…
Read MoreRaising $300,000 for our Future
Our communities in the United States and in Mexico have come together with faith to raise the $300,000 necessary to re-open our mental health hospital in Baja California. We are thankful for all of our donors who generously contribute and share in our mission. To learn more about giving opportunities, please visit our Donate page,…
Read MoreHelp Us Re-Open!
San Ignacio Hospital for Mental Health has been closed since June 2019 due to the lack of funding. There is still a need for our services in the community—especially those who cannot afford proper medical treatment for mental illness. We have been fielding calls and even visits to the facility only to turn people away….
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