Treating Depression in Mexico

Depression is a loosely used term when someone feels sad or “down.” But when the sadness is intense and gives the feeling of being helpless or hopeless, and lasts for a prolonged period of time (from many days to weeks) one might have clinical depression.

A 2005 study found the national prevalence of depression in Mexico was 4.5% (5.8% in women and 2.5% in men). Depression is a frequent disease in adults and is associated with social vulnerability(1). The percentage of diagnosis within the population is low due to economic disparities. This presents a challenge for medical and mental health facilities to provide the best care for patients.

San Ignacio Mental Health Hospital recognizes that not everyone can afford the proper medical diagnosis and treatment for depression — the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. We help to bridge the gap of the treatment of depressive disorders for those who face the challenge of affording quality care.

We offer respectful attention to patients through our residential treatment program. Our “brief hospitalization” allows the patient to be in a peaceful, loving environment through the most acute phase of their illness. Our professional staff provides medical treatment and behavioral therapy to encourage patient healing. To find out about our programs click the button below:

Your help is needed to provide treatment for those who cannot afford professional care. Please consider making a donation to our ministry by clicking the button below:

  1. National Library of Medicine: Comparative Study of the Prevalence and Diagnosis of Depression in Mexico